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In each cases special attention ought to be given to institutionalized populations often excluded from surveys. On the one hand, health expectancy computed with the Sullivan technique displays the current health composition of an actual population adjusted for present mortality levels. But, the results of the Sullivan methodology are restricted in that they point out nothing in regards to the anticipated life cycle events of individuals exposed to current morbidity conditions. Therefore, this measure provides a robust indication of the impact of present transition charges for particular person life cycles and population.

Healthy Life

When self-rated health is used as a measure of health in health expectancy analysis, healthy years of life expectancy are sometimes known as “healthy life expectancy”. The wording for questions on self-rated health in surveys is, as an example, “Would you say your health in general is great, very good, good, fair, or poor? ” Healthy life expectancy has been computed for Austria , the Netherlands , Scotland , Japan , six Asian international locations , and Eastern European international locations . In many instances, the item “fair” is troublesome to translate. OECD, a key participant in health measures harmonization, proposed to rescale the response categories using conversion tables to make the two units extra comparable . The concept of health expectancy was introduced within the 1960s by Sanders and Sullivan .